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Study demonstrates the relationship between antidepressants and weight gain
A study led by the Hospital del Mar Research Institute IMIM), Barcelona, Spain, has demonstrated the link between antidepressants and...

Discovery of Neuropeptide Y could lead to simpler and cheaper drugs to control obesity and weight gain
An international team of researchers has discovered a new component of the peripheral nervous system that acts by increasing energy...

MyPhenome test can predict future weight gain
Phenomix Sciences has announced the findings from new research conducted at Mayo Clinic and presented at ObesityWeek 2024, which...

South Asian men who gain weight have greater adverse metabolic consequences
Gaining even a small amount of weight may lead to adverse metabolic responses in young South Asian men according to research led by the...

Type of surgery before pregnancy may influence children's weight gain
The type of bariatric surgery women undergo before becoming pregnant may affect how much weight their children gain in the first three...

Size of adipose cells may indicate future weight gain
Researchers from Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden, have suggested that it is possible to predict if someone is...

Bariatric patients have lower pregnancy weight gain vs non-surgical controls
Women with a history of bariatric surgery had lower pregnancy weight gain than matched controls with similar early-pregnancy...

Twins study reveals why some individuals are more susceptible to weight gain
Researchers from the University of Helsinki, Finland, have unveiled a new methodological approach to find out why some individuals are...

Metformin can help manage weight gain side effect of bipolar medications
Researchers at the University of Cincinnati and Northwell Health have reported that metformin can help prevent or reduce weight gain in...

Weight recurrence after sleeve gastrectomy negatively impacts pregnancy
Weight recurrence after sleeve gastrectomy (SG) negatively impacts pregnancy and increases the probability of several complications for...
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