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The role of patient outcomes in driving business success for bariatric clinics
Over the last few years, the demand for bariatric services has grown steadily - as more people have become aware of the risks that are...

Better patient outcomes for deep anaesthesia vs light anaesthesia during LSG
Maintaining a deeper depth of anaesthesia during laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) reduces acute postoperative pain, causes less need...

Remote Patient Management: Helping bariatric departments track and support patients in the long term
Bariatric departments can face many challenges, chief among them is how to manage and track their patients through a long pre-operative...

STAMPEDE Trial: Surgery boosts patients’ long-term QoL compared with medical therapy alone
The latest analysis from the STAMPEDE (Surgical Therapy and Medications Potentially Eradicate Diabetes Efficiently) trial shows that over...

Ten years post-surgery - benefits persist but worries remain
Patients experienced many sustained positive effects after metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) and were pleased they had surgery ten...

Patients’ experiences ten years after bariatric surgery
Outcomes of a study assessing the experience of patients ten years after bariatric surgery from Lund University and the University of...

PCORnet: Gastric banding patients at most risk of adverse events
Adjustable gastric banding (AGB) patients experienced the most risk of adverse events in general after surgery, although Roux-en-Y...

FDA updates potential risks with liquid-filled intragastric balloons
There were no deaths reported in the Orbera and ReShape post-approval studies; however, it should be noted that neither of the studies...

T2DM remission more likely after OAGB/MGB vs other bariatric surgeries
A meta-analysis designed to determine the hierarchies of different bariatric surgeries in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes...

Unconscious food cravings may counteract surgery for patients with superobesity
Superobesity - The researchers wanted to find out whether behavioural and cognitive factors before and after bariatric surgery might...
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