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Nervous system changes may cause eating behaviours leading to obesity
Nervous system and obesity - The researchers do not know if habitually the individuals with obesity ate more later in the day and that's...
World Obesity issues COVID-19 statement
COVID-19 - People with heart disease and diabetes are at higher risk of COVID-19 complication. World Obesity has issues a statement...
How obesity causes hypertension and potential treatments
Obesity and hypertension - Targeting peroxynitrite or the enzymes that make it could be an effective way to treat and prevent high blood...
Obesity affects the ability to work especially in women over 50
Obesity and work - For men, there was a slightly increased risk of prolonged sickness absence amongst those with obesity but no evidence...
Obesity should be considered sign of premature aging
Obesity should be considered a sign of premature aging, according to researchers from Concordia University, who argue that obesity...
Big breakfast may prevent obesity and high blood sugar
Eating a big breakfast rather than a large dinner may prevent obesity and high blood sugar, according to researchers from the University...
Negative attitudes around weight gain are pervasive in the NHS
Obesity stigma - Only one in four people with obesity said they were being treated with dignity and respect by health professionals when...
Researchers produce proteins that reduce excess levels of triglycerides
Excess levels of triglycerides - The more APOA5 you have the faster the triglyceride is removed Researchers Mark Castleberry, a doctoral...
In focus: Obesity in Australia
Australia has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world, Bariatric News talks to Dr Michael Talbot (University of New South Wales...
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