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Revisional surgery – re-sleeve or gastric bypass?
Both laparoscopic re-sleeve gastrectomy (LRSG) and laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (rLRYGB) are safe and effective for the...

Greater remission of dyslipidaemia in OAGB vs LSG patients
Patients with severe obesity who underwent one-anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB) had a better improvement in their lipid plasma values...

Increase in prevalence of chronic abdominal pain after LSG
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) patients experienced an increase in clinically relevant -reported chronic abdominal pain two years...

AEON Endostapler can achieve optimal LSG outcomes
Lexington Medical has announced the initial outcomes from 9,000 bariatric procedures using the AEON Endostapler, which revealed how...

Standard Bariatrics’ Titan SGS Stapling Technology for LSG gains FDA approval
Standard Bariatrics has announced that its novel Titan SGS stapling technology, designed specifically for bariatric sleeve surgery, has...

SEAMGUARD in statistically significantly lower leak rates vs other SLRs
In April 2019, Drs Michel Gagner (Hopital du Sacré Coeur, Montréal, the Westmount Square Surgical Center, Westmount, QC, Canada and the...
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