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Obesity increases difficulty in diagnosing and treating heart disease
Researchers from the Mayo Clinic have outlined how obesity affects the common tests used to diagnose heart disease and impacts...

Innovative inhibitor to combat obesity and heart disease
An interdisciplinary research team at The University of Texas at San Antonio has successfully developed an innovative inhibitor that...

Major weight loss may reverse heart disease risks associated with obesity
Major weight loss appears to reverse most of the cardiovascular risks linked with obesity, according to a cross-sectional analysis of the...

Obstructive sleep apnoea worsens heart disease
Health care experts urge increased awareness of obstructive sleep apnoea among people with cardiovascular disease or risk factors such as...

Larger thigh circumference linked with lower risk of heart disease
A significant link between larger thigh circumference (more than 55cm in men and 54cm in women) and lower prevalence of high blood...
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