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GT Metabolic expands MagDI System with FDA clearance of 50mm magnet
The FDA has cleared GT Metabolic Solutions’ larger, 50mm MagDISystem magnet to complement the system's existing 40mm magnet. This...

GT Metabolic Solutions carries out the first magnetic compression anastomosis cases in the US with the linear magnet technology - the MagDI System
GT Metabolic Solutions has completed the first magnetic compression anastomosis cases in the US using the MagDI System, the procedures...

GT Metabolic's MagDI System for side-to-side DI anastomosis to "revolutionise industry" after FDA approval
GT Metabolic Solutions has received FDA clearance of its MagDI System for side-to-side duodeno-ileal (DI) anastomosis. The MagDI System...

FDA grants De Novo marketing authorisation to GT Metabolic Solutions for its magnet compression anastomosis technology
GT Metabolic Solutions has announced its first-generation MagDI System for side-to-side duodeno-ileal anastomosis has been granted De...

Incisionless duodenal ileal bypass anastomosis company gains financing
GT Metabolic Solutions, a company that has developed a minimally-invasive incisionless bypass technology, has raised approximately US$15...
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