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New approach can help identify young children most at risk for obesity
A newly developed risk score can synthesise genetic information into an easy-to-interpret metric that could help clinicians identify...

One in six children in the US has obesity
The latest report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has revealed that one in six children (aged 10 to 17 years) in the US has...

Ten-year outcomes of LSG in paediatric patients
The results from a ten-year study of children and adolescents who underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) to treat severe...

Healthy diets reduce CV risk factors in overweight children
Cleveland Clinic-led research has found that statistically overweight children who followed a healthy eating pattern significantly...

Studies report children gained weight during the pandemic
Two US studies have reported that children gained excess weight during the COVID-19 pandemic and the researchers urged policy-makers to...

UK limits junk food advertising to tackle childhood obesity
The UK government will bring in an evening watershed for junk food ads in a move to tackle obesity problem. The move will ban television...

Cuts to children's support centres linked to raise in childhood obesity
Spending cuts to children's support centres (Sure Start) in England have been associated with thousands more children having obesity over...

Girls with obesity have increased risk of cardiovascular disease in adulthood
A study of 92 adolescents conducted in Brazil suggests girls are more likely than boys to develop metabolic alterations associated with...

COVID-19 pandemic could exacerbate childhood obesity
COVID-19 and childhood obesity - While much has been written about poor food and lack of physical activity in schools, the data show that...
Higher thrombus risk in men who had obesity in adolescence
Men who had obesity in their late teens are more at risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the leg or lung in adult life, according to a...
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