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Bariatric surgery lowers risk of future cardiovascular disease
Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, have reported that participants with cardiovascular disease and severe...

SOS: No increase in colorectal cancer after bariatric surgery
The latest outcomes from the Swedish Obese Subjects have reported that the risk from colorectal cancer does not rise after bariatric...

Bariatric surgery can significantly reduce obesity-related cancer risk
Bariatric surgery can significantly reduce the risk of cancer - especially obesity-related cancers - by as much as half in certain...

Hair loss is common after bariatric surgery especially in younger women
Hair loss is common after metabolic and bariatric surgery especially in younger women, and those with low serum levels of zinc, folic...

Nearly one in four RYGB patients have at least one definition of surgical treatment failure
Approximately 23% of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients met at least one definition of surgical treatment failure five years after...

Bundled payments with co-pay waivers creates surgical cost savings
Providing patients discounts for using medical providers that agree to charge one set price for expensive procedures, such as bariatric...

PREVENT Study: Positive results of Avexitide in post-bariatric hypoglycaemia patients
Eiger BioPharmaceuticals has announced positive results from the Phase 2 PREVENT study of Avexitide in patients with severe...

SOS study: surgery effective against early-onset obesity
Bariatric surgery is effective for individuals who develop obesity by the age of 20, as for those who have developed obesity later in...

IFSO Global Survey and guidance on Bariatric Medical Tourism
The International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) has published results of a survey of its members...

RCT to assess two exercise programme in bariatric patients
Chilean researchers have initiated a randomised clinical trial (RCT) to assess the effects of two types of exercise - moderate-intensity...
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