Outdated guidelines preventing patients with class I obesity from accessing bariatric surgery
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Outdated guidelines issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) more than 30 years ago may be stopping a large portion of patients...
Stigma, lack of information and costs limit access to surgery for adolescents
Adolescents with severe obesity may not pursue metabolic bariatric surgery for weight loss due to lack of information, difficulties with...
Medicaid expansion increased access to bariatric surgery
Access to bariatric surgery increased by 31% annually for lower-income Medicaid-covered and uninsured white adults age 26 to 64 but not...
Study highlights patient factors contributing to underutilisation of bariatric surgery
Penn State College of Medicine researchers have identified several variables that affect a patient's likelihood of getting bariatric...
Huge European disparities in access to bariatric surgery
There are large differences between European countries in terms of accessibility to metabolic surgery and quality indicators of metabolic...
SCOTS: Patients have bariatric surgery too late
Patients from Scotland who are assessed for bariatric surgery are older and have a higher weight than the international average,...
Bariatric surgery less commonly used in states with highest rates of obesity
Residents in several states with the highest obesity rates in the US are among the least likely to undergo bariatric surgery, according...
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