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Insulin resistance is linked to over 30 diseases and to premature death in women
Insulin resistance is associated with 31 different diseases, and in women, is also linked to higher odds of early death, according to a...

Download Bariatric News issue 53
Issue 53 of Bariatric News is now available to read and/or download. In this issue, we have an exclusive report from an IFSO Consensus...

Alcohol consumption should monitored post-bariatric surgery
The proportion of bariatric surgery patients with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) is concerning, given that alcohol consumption should be...

T2DM patients at higher risk of certain cancers could be identified by a simple blood test
Individuals with type 2 diabetes who are at higher risk of certain cancers could be identified by a simple blood test, according to...

Semaglutide hydrogel could reduce diabetes shots to once a month
French researchers have developed a new drug delivery system that could cut the dosing schedule for type 2 diabetes and weight control...

Bariatric surgery may help people with obesity manage hypertension
People living with obesity who underwent bariatric surgery were more likely to control their hypertension over a one-to-five-year...

AEON stapler non-inferior to Tri-Staple with preloaded buttress material in achieving haemostasis and maintaining staple-line integrity
The AEON stapler (Lexington Medical) is non-inferior to the Tri-Staple (Medtronic) in achieving haemostasis and maintaining staple-line...

FDA grants De Novo marketing authorisation to GT Metabolic Solutions for its magnet compression anastomosis technology
GT Metabolic Solutions has announced its first-generation MagDI System for side-to-side duodeno-ileal anastomosis has been granted De...

No increased risk of mental health issues among those using semaglutide for weight loss
Taking the weight loss medication semaglutide does not increase the risk of depressive symptoms, suicidal thoughts or suicidal behaviour...

No association between GLP-1s and suicide
A study led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, has found there is no association between glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor...
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