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RYGB the procedure of choice in the presence of GERD
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is the procedure of choice for patients presenting for bariatric surgery in the presence of...

New study finds increased risk from excess weight
Excess weight increased the risk of death from 22% to 91% - significantly more than previously believed - while the mortality risk of...

Childhood obesity associated with increased risk newly proposed subtypes of adult-onset diabetes
Childhood obesity is associated with an increased risk of four of the five recently proposed subtypes of adult-onset diabetes, according...

Outpatient surgery with telemonitoring comparable to standard care
Outpatient bariatric surgery supported with telemonitoring is clinically comparable to standard overnight bariatrics in terms of...

Pregnant post-bariatric patients have similar or greater weight gain, but no impact on birth weight
Post-bariatric women seem to have similar or greater gestational weight gain (GWG) vs women without surgery matched for early-pregnancy...

Different T2DM risk factors between men and women
Karolinska Institutet researchers have reported that women and men with a predisposition to diabetes have different risk factors...

Overweight and obesity rates in Type 1 Diabetics are nearly the same as general population
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has found that Americans with type 1 diabetes had overweight or...

Swedish Obese Subjects: Surgery results in increased incidence of knee arthroplasty
An analysis from the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study has reported that bariatric surgery did not normalise the increased risk of knee...

Metabolic health and its role obesity-related cancers
People who are metabolically unhealthy are at a higher risk of certain forms of cancer, regardless of their body weight, according to a...

Hepatokines mediate NAFLD impact on metabolic diseases and help to identify subtypes
German researchers from the University of Tübingen, Helmholtz Munich and the German Center for Diabetes Research, and Harvard Medical...
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