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Individualised obesity therapy - tailoring interventions to a person's phenotypes
EMA reviewing data after reports of suicidal thoughts and thoughts of self-harm after taking GLP-1a
Low adherence and increased cost in first year of taking GLP-1a drugs for weight loss
NICE needs more evidence before recommending tirzepatide for T2DM treatment
Bariatric surgery reduces mortality in patients with obesity and sleep apnoea
Despite lowering BMI threshold for eligibility, access to surgery remains low
Metabolic surgery results in fewer heart attacks, strokes and death among patients with diabetes
T2DM remains in remission six years after RYGB regardless of weight loss
Once-daily oral nonpeptide GLP-1-RA achieved up to 14.7% mean weight reduction at 36 weeks
GLP-1-RA: Pfizer to continue danuglipron but discontinue lotiglipron